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In Nepal, post harvest losses make up the majority of food losses. Pests cause major losses in Nepal, leading to recorded losses of 6.22% in paddy, 7.3% in wheat, and 5.92% in maize stores (Ganesh, 1992). As before mentioned, there are a variety of factors that can allow for these damages due to pests including inadequate storage facilities and high moisture contents during storage ([FAO], 2011; Aulakh & Regmi, 2013). High moisture contents create conditions desirable by many insects, micro-organisms, mycotoxins and other pests (Mejia, 2003; Mills, 1989).


The issue of reducing post harvest is one that has been identified in the SakNepal project. The SakNepal project is one that is trying to study how distributing low-cost sustainable agriculture kits will benefit the people of Nepal as well as the environment in this country (“SakNepal,” 2015).  The problem of post harvest losses is explained as losses in grains after harvest caused by insect damage and fungal infections. This primarily stems from poor storage (“SakNepal,” 2015). Sak Nepal has attempted to reduce this problem by selling specialized storage bags that prevent build up oxygen in the stores and creates an inhabitable environment for insects and fungi (“SakNepal,” 2015).



Aulakh, J., & Regmi, A. (2013). Post-harvest food losses estimation-development of consistent methodology, 2050, 1–34. Retrieved from


Ganesh, K. C. (1992). Farm Level Grain Storage Pest Management in Nepal. In Towards Integreated Commodity and Pest Management in Grain Storage. Retrieved from


Mejia, D. J. (2003). An Overview of Rice Post-Harvest Technology. In Proceedings of the 20th Session of the International Rice Commission. Bangkok, Thailand. Retrieved from


Mills, J. T. (1989). Spoilage and Heating of Stored Agricultural Products, 97.


SakNepal. (2015). Retrieved from



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